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 Phelan's First Change

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Crackers Don't Matter

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PostSubject: Phelan's First Change   Phelan's First Change I_icon_minitimeThu Nov 11, 2010 5:50 pm

I found it! Huzzah! haha. It's a long one, so be warned. *Edit* Damn, just realized some of the formatting isn't right, some some things might seem off since they were italicized originally and aren't now, have to go back through and fix that.

Phelan's First Change
By Andrew (Kai-Sun

Figures. Survive one apocalypse just to face another one. First it was ‘The Apocalypse is coming! The Millennium is the end!’ Silly humans. Now it’s ‘The Weaver has driven the Wyrm insane! Fight to protect Gaia! The Apocalypse is upon us!” Where’s the exit, I want off. There are so many stories about it; but then, why would you want to listen about them when I can tell you my story? Please, try to contain your enthusiasm, it’s embarrassing.

At a young age I could feel it; that which makes me like you. I didn’t know what it was or why it was, but it was there. It grew with each place I moved, and so did a feeling of unseen eyes, watching everything. I lived in many places growing up, moving where my mother’s job took us. I never lived anywhere for long, always picking up and moving every three to four years. My mother was an archeologist and a researcher of ancient and dead languages, you name it and I probably seen it or been there. I felt more at home in these places, where urban crawl had almost no grasp on. As I entered my mid-teens the feeling became almost tangible, as if I could walk around the corner and there it would be. Well, that’s kind of how it happened.

My girlfriend and I arrived in Cairo to visit my mother; she was working on translating an old Egyptian tablet found in a newly unearthed tomb. The tablet depicted an epic struggle between what appeared to be two supernatural forces, shown as light and dark. My mother said something didn’t seem right about it, for the forces of light were shown as near Anubis-like Were-animals. She couldn’t understand why something that represented the Egyptian God of the Underworld was depicted as bringers of light. Even more puzzling was how the evil was shown, long black ominous shadows looming over almost everything. Nothing was written about these shadows, or even the Anubis warriors, no hieroglyphs saying what they were. Something seemed familiar but distant about it; it drove that feeling inside wild, and the watcher, the unseen eyes, felt like they were boring their way into my flesh and looking at my bones. As I was walking home with both my mother and girlfriend I caught a glimpse of a man ducking into an alley; I could have sworn he was watching me.

Come to think of it, I’d seen him before, and in places other than Cairo. He’d been following me for some time I think. But for some reason it wasn’t a surprise, I didn’t feel threatened. He felt like a friend I could just walk up and talk to. Quite an interesting day I was having, and it got worse as night came. This next part I remember quite vividly, it’s memories burned into my mind forever. I can never forget or escape what had happened that night, my First Change. All was dark in the house, everyone having gone to bed long since. Nightmares riddled my slumber as I tossed and turned in my bed, nightmares of the strange Anubis hounds and the long dark shadows. It was strange, these dreams, they felt so real, like I was actually there. I could feel the sand beneath me; I could look all around me and see the fighting as if I was actually participating in it. The buildings as structures felt so real, and so did the pain of all the wounds on my body. I died many times that night, in those dreams.

Each time the nightmare would restart I would be somewhere else, in some other’s body, but always at that place. Each time I died I would bolt straight up, gasping for breath. But sleep came abnormally quickly after that; it was as if the dream kept clawing me back in. Well, not always was I in a different body each time. I would return to one specific body a few times over that night, but I wasn’t sure why. It was not until much later that I was able to figure out those dreams, but I’m getting ahead of myself, that comes later in the story. I finally gained some semblance of sleep near the middle of the night, just to have it shattered by intruders of the night. I was woken up by sounds of crunching glass and wood out in the living room; someone was breaking in the house. As quietly as I could I started moving down the long hallway outside the bedrooms, making my way towards and then down the stairs. My mother and girlfriend had both awoke too, I could hear and, smell, them following me. When did that start happening? I could also smell the people in the next room; they smelled much different than my mother or girlfriend, the faint smell of decay.

Something else tickled my newly super nose; geez did that creep me out when it first did that. Anyway, the smell felt like an old acquaintance, like a friend. I realized I had stopped just before rounding the corner; my girlfriend and mother were directly behind me. I took a deep breath as I moved away from the corner, and marveled at what I saw. Well, I marveled that I could see anything. It was pitch black outside thanks to a new moon, and no lights were on. I could see remarkably well for the absence of light, but what I saw was not something I would have ever expected. The long shadows were here, not a dream but reality, right in front of me ransacking my house. It looked like a war zone, furniture and everything tossed all about like that. There were about four of the shadows I think, all I can remember was seeing them holding the tablet. Someone made a noise behind me; the shadows let out a low shrieking sound as they turned and rushed in our direction. Something inside me snapped, the feeling inside me became overwhelming. I lost all conscious thought, I can’t really tell you what happened after that, I don’t know. Well, I can guess what happened, as I am sure you can too.

It must not have lasted very long, for it was still dark when I…was able to think again. I was standing in the middle of the living room. Covered in blood. There was no sign of the shadows. I looked around and began to panic; I was checking my self for wounds as I frantically searched with my eyes to find my mother and girlfriend. Both were lying on the ground covered in as much blood as I was. My mind was racing as I scrambled over to them, hoping they were alright. My mother’s throat looked like some wild beast had ripped it apart. She was dead, with a look of stark terror for a death mask. This couldn’t be happening. I was in so disbelief that I didn’t see my girlfriend move. She was alive! This thought snapped me back to reality, which might not have been for the best. She was slowly trying to get away from me; she had a horrified look upon her face. She let out a shriek as I tried to move closer and check to see how she was hurt, she recoiled like I was death itself. It was then I realized we were not alone. Standing a scant few feet away was the Watcher. I knew it was he, I could tell by the scent. Monster, my girlfriend kept saying, crawling away from me until she huddled up in a corner. I tried one last time to reach out to her, but her cringing and the movement of the watcher stopped me. Who are you? I asked. What do you want? What is going on?

Calm down, young one. The First time is always the worst. What? What did he mean First time, and why was my girlfriend so frightened of me? I finally got a good look around, and saw more than just the bodies of my family. Strange bodies were stretched on the floor, some missing an arm or leg, one missing a head. All had the beast like claw marks on them. Vampires, he said, they were after the tablet. Vampires? This guy must be some sort of kook, but…with everything that had been happening tonight, I wasn’t sure of anything anymore. You…did this. No, he must be lying, how could I have…but I knew he was telling the truth. I felt different inside. How? I asked him. You’ve always felt different, haven’t you? Like you never truly belonged. You are like me; you are a Werewolf. A Werewolf? Now I know he’s some kind of nut. I felt like laughing at him, until a thought came crashing down, destroying my world as I knew it. He was right. And I had killed my own mother.

That’d put a dampener on things, wouldn’t you say? I almost felt like sitting down and giving up, but I couldn’t. Too many questions I still had, things I still had to do. You must leave this life behind, The man spoke again, for your sake and for theirs. He stretched out his long arm and pointed to where my mother lie dead on the ground and girlfriend huddled in corner. I can help you, but you must come willingly. I cannot force anything upon you, He said with a grim face. Alright, I replied, but what do I do about all of this…and her? The man surveyed the room, first looking over the dead bodies, then my girlfriend. The bodies will take care of themselves come morning, and she will be alright in time. She won’t remember what happened, no human who looks at a Werewolf remembers what he or she sees, they are too frightened to accept seeing one. Her brain will make up some story for dealing what truly happened her tonight. As for your mother…I will meet you in the morning, you have some decisions to make. He left shortly after that, kicking one of the vampires as he went.

I sat there, alone for a few hours, trying to clear my head and figure out what to do. Why was I listening to some stranger? Well, he seemed to have answers and didn’t seem to be lying. As morning crept threw the window, I stood up, finally having made my decision. I was going to get revenge and find answers. I walked over to where my girlfriend, who had feinted, was lying. Goodbye, and be safe my dear Seline. I hope to see you again someday. I grabbed the tablet and collected a few other things and put them in a small pack, and then I left to find the man who said he could help me.

After learning that Vampires and Werewolves roamed the earth, not to mention I had just killed my mother and probably scarred my girlfriend for life, I was taking it pretty well don’t you think? That’s what shock will do to you, you should have seen me when it all finally caught up about a month later…I would have put a Get to shame. I don’t know what happened to them after that, I’ve never seen my girlfriend since. Oh well, anyway, I found the stranger on the outskirts of town. I am happy to see you have made this decision, follow me and all will be revealed. We left Egypt after that; he said it wasn’t a safe place for me to be. I learned later he meant the curse made long ago against Werewolves of my ancestors and my soon to be tribe.
What. Nobody could tell me this before I came to Egypt? Gee thanks. Well, the stranger and I departed for what he called a Caern or something like that. On our way he told me about mother Gaia, the different tribes, and all the things that made me what I am. It was quite a bit to take in all at once, learning about the Weaver, the Wyrm, and the Wyld. So the Weaver drove the Wyrm insane eh? Suddenly I didn’t feel so bad…until I learned it was the Wyrm we were fighting against. He said his name was Lorien, and that he was a Silent Strider who had been sent to watch me. He said I looked a lot like some dead Hero, and that hero’s blood flowed in me. Yeah, dead hero…right. When we arrived at this Caern he said I would be presented before all the elders who resided there and that I would be tested to see if I was to be accepted into their tribe, the Silent Striders.
Didn’t really go smooth as that, half of them looked as if they had seen a ghost or something. More dead hero stuff…yeah. Sure your not senile, right? I asked them to look over the tablet to see if they knew anything, and was told they would consult me about if I survived their task. I was put with others like me and was taken far off blindfolded and told to find our way back using our instincts alone. If we could survive we were worthy to be Silent Striders.

Great, stranded in the middle of Africa somewhere, I was making friends fast. I felt at home though, out in the wild. I began noticing things I never had, I had sharper senses and reflexes. It was a challenge to get back to the Caern, but I always felt I knew where to go, always on track. I think it helped I was so determined to find answers; I was the first to return. Some didn’t return at all. It was a grand event, being accepted into the tribe. All the Werewolves in the Caern were there. One by one we were presented to the gathering of human and wolf alike, until it came to my turn. The elders took a moment to quiet all who were there, then spoke, Today is a day to be remember and celebrated, a honored soul returns to us and makes us stronger. Step forward, Onuris, and be welcomed into our tribe once more. Gasps filled the small gathering as I walked up to the elders, I wish I had a camera just then, but the elders quickly quieted them. In memory of the great heroes of your family do we bequeath you this Grand Klaive, may you always strike true against the enemies of Mother Gaia. The ceremony ended shortly thereafter.

After the ceremony Lorien approached me and said he had been charged with teaching me the ways of the Werewolf and the Strider. To teach me all I would need to now I the fight against the enemies of Gaia. I spent months there learning from him and the others, he taught me about my other forms and the Umbra, about the Wyrm and about great heroes and the history of the Striders and other Tribes. It’s a little surprising, the first time you change at will, to see your self as a wolf. I took my first look at my Crinos form, which took a little getting used to. A large all black wolf stared back with bright yellow eyes…my god…I looked so much like the wolves on the tablet. I had a patch of white trailing from my under lip to almost the base of my neck. It was eerie; I had white designs over my eyes like that of ancient Egyptians. I held up and examined the Grand Klaive that I had been given, it was a bright silver and gold Khopesh. The blade shined silver with intricate golden inlays all over it, and so did some of the handle, which was a jeweled form of Anubis.

I began to feel a longing to be away shortly thereafter, and decided to leave when the elders summoned me. They had learned what the tablet had to tell, and I was none to pleased. It shows the battle for our home, the battle against evil. It shows us driven away by the curse those many years ago, and it show us you…young cub. Enough about the dead hero thing, damn it. Oh wait, that does look like me…….great. This tablet and your appearance may hold secrets to us reclaiming our homelands, they continued. Might as well run into a wall head on if your going to do it anyway, right? I told them I had to find things out for myself, had to discover my own secrets before I was ready to take on some ancient evil or something. I left Lorien and the others and began my wandering, trying to fully understand and come to grips with what had happened that night and what the elders had told me. I don’t know if I ready to be some kind of hero.

So here I am now, telling you my story. Wha-Hey! Wake up! Boot to the head *Thump*

Last edited by Kai-Sun on Sat Nov 13, 2010 12:54 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Phelan's First Change   Phelan's First Change I_icon_minitimeSat Nov 13, 2010 6:41 am

Haha, nice ending!
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Crackers Don't Matter

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PostSubject: Re: Phelan's First Change   Phelan's First Change I_icon_minitimeSat Nov 13, 2010 12:59 pm

MorgonKara wrote:
Haha, nice ending!

Glad you liked it. I was trying to keep a serious tone for most of it, but add his own kind of twist/humor to it without...screwing it up and doing it at the wrong times.

Hope I succeeded if only for a bit.

Still do really need to edit it, since some of the conversations as I had them setup run into each other without warning.
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